This 1950’s transmitter building at the top of Mount Cheaha in Mt. Cheaha State Park had (4) layers of old roofing on top of a concrete substrate. It had been leaking for years and was in desperate need of a new roof system. The top layer of the existing roof system had piles of gravel creating an uneven surface across the entire roof. Because the roof was originally flat and the surface was uneven, water was not properly draining. So, we removed the gravel and all old roofing material down to the concrete deck. Once all the old roofing was removed and the concrete deck was properly cleaned, we installed a layer of 1/8″ tapered insulation to give the roof a positive slope. We used GAF’s 2-part adhesive to adhere the insulation to the concrete deck. Due to extreme elements and chronic patch type repairs, the 70-year roof deck had lots of irregularities. The 2-part adhesive, which is applied in a bead-like form, allowed us to level out much of the concrete deck. Then, we fully adhered .80 mil GAF EverGuard TPO. Because it provides better wind uplift protection than other systems, a fully adhered TPO system is best for high wind zone areas. All seams were heat welded with hand held welders and welding robots.